Hostname: sr2uvg
Pi-Star:4.2.0 / Dashboard: 20240307

Pi-Star Digital Voice Dashboard for SR2UVG

Dashboard | Admin | Configuration

Gateway Activity
Time (CEST)Time in CEST time zone ModeTransmitted Mode CallsignCallsign TargetTarget, D-Star Reflector, DMR Talk Group etc SrcReceived from source Dur(s)Duration in Seconds LossPacket Loss BERBit Error Rate
04:03:09 Jul 27thDMR TS1
TG 260Net0.80%0.2%
03:21:01 Jul 27thDMR TS1
260099RFDMR Data
03:16:39 Jul 27thDMR TS1260099SP5OPSNetDMR Data
03:09:07 Jul 27thDMR TS1
TG 260Net1.20%0.0%

DAPNET Gateway Activity
Time (CEST)Time in CEST time zone Time SlotMessage Mode TargetRIC / CapCode of the receiving Pager MessageMessage contents
04:52:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0000216 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727025200
04:52:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0000200 XTIME=0252270724XTIME=0252270724
04:52:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0002504 [Skyper OTA Time] 025200 270724
04:50:00 Jul 27th Slot 13 0000008 sr2uvg
04:50:00 Jul 27th Slot 13 0000224 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727045000
04:50:00 Jul 27th Slot 13 0000208 XTIME=0450270724XTIME=0450270724
04:48:06 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000216 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727024800
04:48:06 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000200 XTIME=0248270724XTIME=0248270724
04:48:06 Jul 27th Slot 12 0002504 [Skyper OTA Time] 024800 270724
04:46:24 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000224 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727044600
04:44:41 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000216 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727024400
04:42:59 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000224 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727044200
04:40:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0000008 sr2uvg
04:40:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0000216 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727024000
04:40:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0000200 XTIME=0240270724XTIME=0240270724
04:40:00 Jul 27th Slot 0 0002504 [Skyper OTA Time] 024000 270724
04:38:00 Jul 27th Slot 13 0000224 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727043800
04:38:00 Jul 27th Slot 13 0000208 XTIME=0438270724XTIME=0438270724
04:36:09 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000216 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS240727023600
04:36:09 Jul 27th Slot 12 0000200 XTIME=0236270724XTIME=0236270724